(509) 949-1923

Mending Wings received a grant from the Benson Family Foundation of the St. Luke Lutheran Church in support of it’s mission to empower and heal Native youth through leadership development, cultural revitilization and retention, spirituality and ways of life.

The grant supports these Mending Wings programs:

  • Footprints of Our Elders – cultural revitilization & retention classes
  • Dancing Our Prayers – teams of students who travel locally, regionally & nationally sharing culture and spirituality
  • 4-1 Youth Group, Guys & Girls Nights
  • Slam Trips – service and learning trips where groups from around the country are invited to our reservation as learners
  • Community Healers – service and care provided to our community
  • Youth Council – students who help to plan, develop and implement various trips, activities and teachings of Mending Wings

The funding helps to cover the costs of supplies, gas, honrariums for elders, food, and travel expenses.