In 2024, Mending Wings received a Yakama Cares grant from Legends Casino in support of the activities of the 4-1 Youth Group program as well as the Community Healers activities.
Students who attend the youth program have found it to be a place they really want to be at – a place where they feel safe and able to talk about their problems with trusted adults. The Youth Group is also a place where they make new friends and get to hang out with old friends.
Walking hand-in-hand with our 4-1 Youth Group program, these youth participate in our Community Healers program, held during youth group once a quarter. On this night all the students from our 4-1 Youth Group program head out into the community to perform a community service project.
The grant also supports our Youth Council of students who help to plan, develop and implement the activities and teachings for each youth group night.
We pick-up and drop-off students for this program all over the upper and lower valleys (Yakima, White Swan, Harrah, Wapato, Toppenish, etc.). This funding helps cover the costs of gas, food, prizes/gifts, supplies, and staff honorariums/salaries.